Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Peg, Peg, Peg

Score for the Anti-dollar bunch:

Suwaidi , Wheres your name? I dont see it in this article? Why isnt the central bank governor be it Sultan AlSuwaidi (or someone else?) in probably the most influential national article of the month?

Given, this is the umpteenth (1, 2 , 3) time its mentioned this year. I want to call him out: YES foreign investment is good. YES, tourism / oil sectors would favor lower dollars, BUT what about the booming trade sector? what about the local businesses? What about the food basket? How is lower-income sector going to eat with prices of cooking oil going up by 13 percent (if I remember correctly) ?

I want to see a board voting on this, with published opinions and positions, because the random mumblings of one man to influence a nations ENTIRE currency peg is odd.

On a lighter note: I find it smart that most of the mumblings are in the arabic newspapers not the english ones, that way the international community doesnt freak out at what he has to say? (dont know if thats just a fluke or not :-p)


Anonymous said...

Hey 3lo .. howz it goin? lo0ol .. i bet u dont even remember who i am ... anyways ..passin by to hi .. hope to hear from u soon ... =)

XTR said...

Hey Ali... nice blog you got there.
Keep up the good work!

Nasrawi said...

Salam. Like your blog so I'm writing in.

Although the UAE is making moves indicating that it will unpeg from the dollar, I wonder if it is snuggling up with the US more closely in other areas - here I'm talking about Dbai closing down and parading Bush like he was a leader to be respected - http://ar.globalvoicesonline.org/2008/01/17/481/ -
and about UAE forces in Afghanistan under the umbrella of US forces, fighting the Taliban, when the entire occupation of Afghanistan is an illegal, imperial and immoral occupation; sure UAE's forces are doing good work in reaching out to the communities, but under the imperial Anglo-American umbrella?

Just wanted to listen to your thoughts on this.


3li said...

When it comes down to the USA, whether we like it or not, they are a major economic, military, and social force in the world today. That is reflected in the UAEs policies on oil, on the peg, on the armed forces, (and even with a uae citizen like me with my contribution on google's blogspot)

lezahcab said...

hi, just blog hopping......

you got a nice article in here...

keep on writting