Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The state of education

Here, you will find an intresting article on education in the UAE.

Im a product of our educational system, and have argued more than once for a reform. In particular, A proper reform of our high-schools. My brother is getting carrots compared to what could be offered. Though I will concede its better than what it was in my day.

Case in point: I participated in political rallies at my school... The kind where we are all pulled out of class to burn flags.

Not my idea of a balanced education.


rosh said...

OK! Pardon the Q. Why don't you folks attend private schools? Can the government not subsidize tuition? UAE's private schools aren't all that bad.

3li said...

We do. The quality there is lacking as well. There are no uniform standards for private schools, the ministry tries, but unfortuantely the majority of pvt schools I have seen are lacking.

Tuition is subsidized as there are govt schools available free of charge for the local population.