Saturday, June 26, 2010

Relationship managment

In this collective culture we have, Ive noticed that who you know counts. Its why majlises are around...

A majlis is not just a place to sit and talk. Its a place of thinking. Or at least its supposed to be IMO... This shouldn't be anything new to someone who has been here a few years, but every now and then I'm reminded of how deep it is.

Sitting with a friend yesterday he tells me of a majlis he was at where bigshots were discussing the future of our country. The day before that I was sitting with a friend who was telling me about meeting a man who could very well be a future minister... And that same day I considered going to a majlis where the "old gaurd's" children were probably watching the world cup.

Thinking out loud: We need more people to travel between the majlises. Staying at one tends to muddle thoughts. The point of a majlis is an exchange of ideas, which gets stale when the same people come to the same majlis.

Especially when things like the future of our country is being discussed...

Or the world cup

1 comment:

naseehah said...

Slm alykum! Just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your blog...I happend to find it yeaterday...its really nyc to see a blog by a emarati guy...nway mashaalh ur english is really good n keep up the good work! Salam :o)