Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Shkh Khalifa (Allah y6wl 3mra) said that the FNC elections are not the only element in a democratic process, but part of a system. With these words, I think the country is heading in the right direction. For those who dont know, the FNC elections allow every emirate to elect the advisory council to the ruling body, click me.

According to Dr. Anwar Gargash, the Minister of state spearheading the FNC initiative the "political programme is all inclusive" and stated that "We will reach full elections.". Broad strokes for a country so young. But truly, is there any objection? This system seems to be the will of the people, and everyone is anticipating it, I know I am...

Question is: Are you?

Who are you voting for?

Flaw - recognize


3li said...


The truest comment ive heard all year,

...but its on a political article :-p

Arabized said...

a lot of emiraty proffessors at my university were nominated,which made me really happy and proud.

When I heard that my favorite proffessor (he teachs financial management)was nominated, i couldnt hold my excitement.

If they had the chance they would do so much good. They already have done so much for this univeristy, i know they are capable of doing so much more.

i cant wait to see what is going to happen.