Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The epic hunt

I, being the genius that most have come to love, have decided the time has come. Yes, I couldnt take it anymore, my days of partying will dry up, and it would be solemn drudgery for the next few weeks, months, maybe years.

I have decided to look for a job.

And a finance degree in times of a financial crises is my ticket in.

Any takers? We shall see!



Spear The Almighty said...

Good luck with that.

Arabized said...

wow you still blog!

good luck with your job hunting.

rosh said...

With a Finance degree, have you tried applying to the Big 4 Accounting firms? I know, they are often looking for Arab folks, local folks, even better. Become a certified professional accountant. Yes, you have to work a lot, but it's a fantastic way to kick start career in Accounting! Get experienced, learn the ropes with them, and move into banking field You shall do quite well.