Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ab'ha dreams.

Time alone puts things in perspective.

I get to see my devils, and my guilt at play... Therapy at its finest.

I thought I had troubles with marraige, listen to this guy.

Awww... He says what alot of guys think. Though I disagree with him on some points on marriage, hes ignoring social status and putting it on the backburner.

Social status will exist regardless of what you do. You cannot ignore it, you must work around it.


Spear The Almighty said...

Hope you are doing well.

I think people should take their time before getting married and understand the commitment they are getting into.

XTR said...

Social status does exist and sadly, people always seem to judge a book by its cover.

In any case, this is my point of view:

If "friends" shun you because of your social status, then they really aren't worthy of your friendship. Unfortunately, many people consider money and personal gains as the criteria for making friends. I strongly believe that people should be judged based on their actions, not on race, age, or social status.

As for working your way around it, it’s really hard to pretend to be someone you're not just to please the ones around, especially if these people expect you to be well-off all the time. Still, I think this is one of the biggest challenges in a young man’s life. Many people had humble beginnings and then worked their way up.

I wonder how long it would take for some people to come to terms with fairness; money has blinded many people in this materialistic age. The first thing they would ask you for (when you want to take their daughter’s hand in marriage for example) is how much money you have or what kind of job.