Thursday, January 19, 2006


This being my last weekend before university, I decided to head to a different spot rather than my usual umm spiem hideaway... mimzar.

Everything u heard about it being the #1 spot for lowth (sad individuals) is true; I was there at 11:00 and already people were throwing their numbers at each other... 7aram 3liekum guys, I know that most guys and girls go crazy when they dont talk to each other, bas mb chee 3ad. and I thought chillis jmeirah was bad!

there must be some line you should not cross.,.,.,. wla shoo raykom? hal ana '3al6an fee kalami? ( am I wrong?)


MJ said...

Mabrook the blog and good luck!

I'm not going to comment on the part about 'elem'3azalcheya' (I really hope I spelled it correct) just go to Alain and you will feel like it's nothing here.

I went ot Mimzar park and sat on the rocks and elhamdelelah, it was really quiet and nice. Except for the two diving men who scared the crap out of me! I first thought you were some kind of big black fish, until they waved. lol.

Arabized said...

chilis jumeriah, lmao!

im just going to keep quiet on this...yea ahsan i just shutup.

sad. sad. sad. pathetic.

and mabroooooooook on the blog!